Sales Letters

About this training

Writing an effective sales letter obviously gives you that much needed competitive edge in business.

Writing sales letters can be a daunting task, but you don’t have to be a copywriting wizard to craft a letter that delivers responses. Keep in mind to include three fundamental aspects. First, it must be written in such a manner that immediately catches the interest of the reader, second, it should offer feasible business prospects and third, it should generate awareness for sales.

Sales letters are powerful customer relations and lead generation tools. Unlike other, broader forms of leads generation, like direct mail or advertising, sales letters can be highly personalized to a wide range of target audiences.

Our training will provide you, with an easy formula for creating effective sales letters, for all sorts of audiences, from existing to potential clients, to new business and business associates.

Training summary

  • Define the target market: who will be receiving your letter
  • Start with a clear understanding of the person or people who will be reading your letter
  • Determine what your message or offer is: be clear on what you want to communicate and what action you would like your reader to take
  • Reason & purpose: drive the content of the letter toward the goals you want to achieve
  • Become your customer when you write: it’s often overlooked and one of the most important part of the writing process
  • Structure your letters: introduction, body and conclusion
  • The beginning: your opening sentence and headline, should be such that will capture and hold, your readers’ attention
  • Reason for the letter: time to share the product or idea you’re trying to sell them. Features & benefits
  • Reader’s attention: tell readers something they want to know, use bold way that gets their attention
  • Create interest: involve the reader, by sharing a steady flow of interesting information
  • Simple reading: easy to read, avoiding to appear too complicated. Use short sentences
  • Writing format: use tried and tested formats that have worked in the past, increase your chances to succeed
  • Headlines & bulleting: great ways to provide a brief idea of the entire content of the sales letter
  • Conversational style: just write as you would normally speak, make it a conversation between you and the reader
  • Short paragraphs: people like to have breaks while they are reading. It gives them a moment to reflect on your message
  • Write in Pictures people often picture what they read
  • Personalize: get the reader’s by using their name on the letter
  • Edit, edit & edit: misspelled words and grammar, destroy credibility and effectiveness of your letter
  • What’s in it for me: make your reader want your product or service, by answering the reader’s questions and concerns
  • Testimonials & references: include them with your letters, it creates a favorable and credible impression
  • Taking action: unless you tell your reader, what to do next, they won’t know
  • The close: once the prospect is ready to take action, provide complete and clear instructions for how to move forward. “Click here”, “Need the following:”, etc.
  • Different letters: lead generation, referral, existing clients, meeting request, closing
  • Illustration / Proof Make sure for every claim, guarantee, offer or statistic, you illustrate of how it works or why it’s true

Who is this training for?

  • Everyone responsible for writing sales letters
  • Business owners
  • Entrepreneurs